Thursday 18 April 2013


It feels like a time travel.. actually, a time travel back in time. Returning home has been a major step for me. Living away from the family and old friends in a foreign land for 3and half years must have changed me to some extent. Coming back to the same country, to same people feels like I am back to where I was three and a half years ago. People are same but lives have moved on.. figuring out where I stand in this time space is still a bit of a dilemma.

Lots of changes... last one and half months have been months of change. . change in country where I live, job, people around me to the way of living .. everything's changed .. It's been a bit stressful at times ..but I must say I have coped well and had a chance to experience a different way of living. On the other hand, I was a free single lady then, and have now returned as a married woman to live with a new family which I never had a chance to know much about. People say change is the spice to life.. Maybe it is..Though it was painful and hurtful to leave some lovely ppl that I had known for past couple of years in the sweet little town of Rugeley, UK, it's going to stay in my mind as a sweet memory, where I learned really a lot about life. Now is to look forward ..

Pet dog -jack  to always welcome me home with excitement :)

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